The State of the art facilities are located in Choloma, Cortes - Honduras in its own duty free processing zone. WIth a capacity of 20000 Metric Tons (initial Phase) with an additional 20000 metric tons being installed soon.
2005-2006 Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. . All rights reserved.
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Some of our Advantages:
- 3-5 days to Southeastern U.S. Ports.
- 7-10 days average to the rest of the Continent.
- Short hours flight from major cities of America.
- Precise delivery dates.
- Lower freigth cost
- Faster Delivery time
- Many Boats depart weekly worldwide.
- No quotas nor restrictions .
- CAFTA compliant - no duties
- Many FTA with other countries - no taxes.
- Personalized service
- Complete Technical Support staff.
Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. is located in a Duty Free Zone in Honduras.
The largest recycling processing zone in the western Hemisphere, exporting and reutilizing a variety of waste products.
It the latest trend worldwide, companies are requiring that products are made with green friendly products, and at Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. we are proud of our products - we are proud of doing something good for not only our customers but for the environment, for the world we live in.

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